17 Issues That Appear Like Penises (But Aren’t)

Looking at how many times you see actual penises, it is rather shocking at what number of circumstances seem like penises that aren’t. Check out these 17 phallic finds!

17. See Place Get

See Spot Gohorny datingadvice.com/images/uploads/2014/07/cherryplucker.com_.jpg?width=540&height=320″ style=”display: block;” title=”See Spot Go” width=”540″/>

16. Welcome House

Welcome Home

15. Tallest Tower

Tallest Tower

14. Potato-rection


13. Fuzzy-wuzzy

Fuzzy Wuzzy

12. Buzz Buzz

Buzz Buzz

11. Minnie Mouse

Minnie Mouse

10. Boner Bridge

Boner Bridge

9. Sounds Healthy

Sounds Delicious

8. Rising

Going Up

7. Subway Program

Subway System

6. Fountain Head

 Fountain Head

5. Complex Formation

Hard Formation

4. Messing Around

Messing Around

3. Nasty Santa

Naughty Santa

2. Pillow Willie

Pillow Willie

1. Oh, Herman

Oh, Herman

Picture resources: blogs.babycenter.com, cherryplucker.com, collegehumor.com, cosmopolitan.com, flickr.com, gizmodo.com, huffingtonpost.com, imgur.com, neurological.com, newyorkdick.com, studentbeans.com, tripadvisor.de, usvsth3m.com

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